Need money ? Get a life insurance policy.

Not the greatest title right ? But it is fitting. Life insurance is not sexy. It boring like toilet tissue and brown paper bags. We don't think about them all day but boy when we need them we need them !

One of my foundational beliefs is Life Insurance Is A Solution To A Money Problem. Some of you may be saying I need money right now Thomas ! Hey I do too, but let explain what those money problems are.

  • Hurt on the job- A short term disability policy will provide money while you're out.
  • Major health crisis like heart attack- Critical illness policy will pay a lump sum of money to you.
  • Death- A life insurance policy will pay out to take care of your mortgage,funeral, and or estate taxes.
You see it does not matter your economic background, we all will have one of those above money problems. Maybe not now, but soon. I can guarantee all of us will have the last problem. 

So the question is do you want to pay the money for all those issues to come from your account, assets, or family/friends ? Or do you want the life insurance company to foot the bill ? I know who I want to pay it.

If you pay out of your accounts you're depleting your resources. Raid the 401k and you'll pay early withdrawal taxes. Sell your assets you're open to more taxes that'll eat away at your money. Family ? How many can easily write a check to help you out?

On the other hand the life insurance company can and will pay the bill. They'll even pay the bill free of taxes. Where else can you get such a great deal.

See when your friends and family walk out the house after giving you our your spouse words of comfort another person walks in. Someone like me, a life insurance agent will walk in with a check. I'll hand the check to your beneficiary to give them cash when you're gone. And I'll help you fill out the proper paperwork  to get your short term disability and critical illness benefits.

Which would you prefer ?


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