Being in life insurance is close to being in religion.

There I go again with those titles ! I'm trying to get better. Pinkie promise. Given the nature of the business it is an apt title.

I like to read old books. Blame my mother. Some time back I ran across and old life insurance book. Shocker, the old books give the same tips and info the new age internet gurus give on sales. But there was a statement in one of the book that caught me off guard. Life insurance is second only to religion in it's higher calling. Don't quote me exactly but that is how it went.

Why religion ?

It does not matter if you're relgious or not there is one thing we all know.  Religions want you to change something. You must make a decision about something. If you don't before it is too late something awaits you. Either one or all those statements can be applied to any world religion.

Bottomline there is an urgency to do something. That urgency is reminded of daily,weekly, and monthly. One day you're here and the next day you're gone.

What does this have to do with life insurance ?

Okay I'm getting to that. In life insurance we always talk about insurability. How healthy is the insured. Does the insured have dui's or felonies on their record. Bottom line can we get them through underwriting.

At some point we've all spoken to a client who felt like they had forever to get their life insurance policy. We know they're are healthy and get approved today. But they want to do it next month. Our next response is sometimes, "who knows what tomorrow may bring. do it now". 

Sounds familiar ? Have you heard a religious leader say something like that before ? We all know of a client who delayed. Then had a health issue that made them uninsurable or worse. Entering both situations without a life insurance policy to help the family.

As a life insurance agent you know the future of the insureds family can be enhanced or degraded if only they DO IT NOW. Get the policy. That is a high calling. The extra urging from you can be the difference between asking for donations and you delivering a check.


So maybe you're not religious. That's okay. You don't have to be to do this business. At the same time I believe we all have the same fervor to make certain our clients get a policy. Get that policy while their health and insurability is high. So don't take lightghtly what effects your words can have on clients.


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